While you might know your brand inside and out, it’s important to be aware of how your audiences perceive you. What information do they have to base this impression on? For most people, it’ll be all of the information that they can find about you online.

Sometimes, this information will be out of your direct control – such as in the case of user reviews – but there will be other times when creating a strong and consistent image of your brand is well within your grasp. It’s about thinking of your brand as an experience and providing that professional layer of branding to everything you do.

Linking Your Pages

The way that many people are going to find out about your brand will be through your social media pages. They might see some marketing content of yours that has been shared by their friends, or they might just be looking to investigate you after hearing about your services. Without linking your website to these pages, this might be as far as some people get.

If you do link your website to these pages, however, they have reason to explore your brand further. That means they can go from getting a rough idea of what your brand is about based on your posts and marketing content to forming a clear image of what you stand for. Not only that, but they’ll then be in a prime position to engage more actively with your brand.

The Central Hub

Your website is not only where they can enlist your services; it’s also the central hub of all your information. Here, your audiences can understand your values or find your contact information to get in touch. Creating a space that is readable and easy to navigate is essential for allowing it to be as engaging as possible – and that also means keeping it visually up to date. It’s also important that you don’t neglect the functionality of this platform. With tools like an API platform, you and your team can consistently design a space that is as secure and practical as possible – whether you’re talking about your website or even a dedicated business app.

Your Distant Marketing

Although it might not often seem like it, your reach is actually much further than these platforms alone. When you engage in SEO marketing, for example, your brand is getting linked on blogs all over the internet. This is great for increasing your visibility in browser searches and ultimate awareness of your brand, but you still want how your brand is portrayed here to feel true to you. This can be difficult when you’re also trying to ensure that these posts don’t feel like direct forms of marketing.

Working with either your in-house or outsourced SEO team can help you find some sort of balance where the pages are cultivated in such a way that feels in keeping with your brand without your brand being the sole focus of the post.

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