General Write for Us: Submit Your Articles and Blog Posts

At MariahPride, we welcome guest authors and bloggers who are passionate about sharing their expertise and experiences in various topics under the general category. Whether you have knowledge in business, technology, home improvement, education, entertainment, or any other general topic, we would love to hear from you.

We believe that publishing guest posts and articles from different perspectives can inspire and inform our readers, while also providing opportunities for guest authors to gain exposure for their websites or blogs. If your content meets our standards, we will be happy to publish it on our site and give you proper credit.

Guidelines for Submitting Your General Category Articles

To ensure that your article is suitable for publication on our site, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Word Count: We prefer articles that are at least 1000 words long. However, if you have more valuable information to share, we welcome longer articles.
  2. Quality Writing: Your article must be well-written, informative, and engaging. Please make sure to proofread your article for grammar and spelling errors before submitting.
  3. Originality: Your article must be 100% original and not previously published online. We do not accept duplicate content.
  4. Relevant Images: Please include at least one relevant image with your article. If the image is not yours, make sure you have the right to use it, and credit the source.
  5. External Links: You may include one external link to your blog or website within the body of the text, as long as it is relevant to the article’s topic.
  6. No Promotional Content: Please note that we do not accept promotional content, advertising, or press releases.

How to Submit Your Article

If you’re interested in submitting an article or blog post, please follow these steps:

  1. Send us an email at with a brief outline of your topic.
  2. Once we approve your topic, you may start writing your article.
  3. When you finish your article, attach it as a Word document to your email, and send it to us.
  4. Our team will review your article and provide feedback if necessary.
  5. After any necessary changes are made, we will confirm whether your article is accepted for publication.

Categories We Cover

At MariahPride, we cover a wide range of general topics, including but not limited to:

  • Business and Entrepreneurship
  • Technology
  • Home Improvement
  • Education
  • Entertainment
  • News and Current Events
  • Health and Fitness
  • Travel and Lifestyle

Please note that we accept articles on any general category topics, so feel free to reach out to us with your ideas.


If you have any questions or concerns about submitting your article, please contact us at We reserve the right to reject any article that does not meet our standards or align with our values. We also reserve the right to edit or modify any article before publication to ensure its quality and relevance to our audience.