There is no information available about the birth date of Anna Maybelle Cash however one can estimate that she was born around the year 2000. She was born to father John Carter Cash and mother Laura Webber White. She also has two siblings, both brothers, Jack Ezra Cash and Joseph John Cash. She has at least nine cousins and six aunts from her father’s side. She is the granddaughter of famous musician Johnny Cash.

Net Worth

There is no information currently on her net worth however with both her father and grandfather being famous musicians one can assume that later in life she will be wealthy.


He was born on March 3rd, 1970. John Carter Cash was born in Nashville Tennessee in the United States of America.  His parents are June Cash and the famous Johnny Cash. Knowing who his father is it will come as no surprise to you that he chose a similar career path for himself. He is a singer and a songwriter in addition to being a record producer. The first album he worked on as a record producer was his mother, June’s album “Press On”. This album was released in 1999. He also worked with his father, Johnny Cash on producing some of his albums and worked together with his mother on an album again before she passed away. John Carter Cash seems to be trying to carry on the family legacy with both of his parents no longer being with us by releasing albums and making music. He has also tried his hand at writing having authored a couple of books including some children’s books.


Laura Webber White although she has been known by many last names such as Laura Cash or Laura Webber Cash, was born in 1971 in Sandwich Illinois in the United States of America.

She is a musician in her own right being able to play the guitar and the fiddle she is also a singer and songwriter like Anna Maybelle’s father and grandfather. Laura recorded both of her studio albums at the Cash Cabin Studio. She has also worked on 16 of the Cash family albums. She has won contests for her amazing skills as a fiddler and became known as a fine stage fiddler.

She joined Johnny and June Cash on their Press On tour where she met John Carter Cash in 1999. She later married John Carter in 2000 but sadly the couple got divorced in 2013, they have two children together one of which is Anna Maybelle.


Johnny Cash or John R. Cash was born in the year 1932 on the 26th of February. He was born in Kingsland Arkansas to poor cotton farmers. He spent four years in the air force around the time of the 1950s after which he started becoming famous. In his career, Johnny Cash has sold over 90 million records across the entire world.

If you like to know more about this legend, his family, and his granddaughter you can check out the documentary about the Cashes and the Carters called The Winding Stream.

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