Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD is a condition that affects our brain, especially after weathering or witnessing traumatic events. There are millions of people struggling with PTSD, some rough estimate suggests close to 250 million or 3.6 percent of the total population.  

PTSD is like a loop that flashes the events in the forms of memories, and nightmares which make everyday life difficult.  

Apart from seeing a counsellor for depression, it is also vital to implement self-care strategies during the treatment to support healing and recovery. This blog is our effort to assist you with these strategies and help you understand everything you need to know about PTSD. 

Understanding PTSD 

As mentioned in the introduction, PTSD is a mental condition that occurs when someone experiences distressing events. This could be an accident, sexual assault, war, combat, natural disaster, or childhood trauma. The condition can affect people from different walks of life, irrespective of their age, gender, or race. However, women are twice the risk of developing PTSD in comparison to men. Another important data suggests PTSD is three times more likely among military veterans. Another concerning data highlights that close to 7-8% of people experience PTSD at some point in their life. 

Treatments for PTSD 

When you have PTSD, sometimes it makes you believe that you can’t get your life back, but that’s not true. Indeed, presently, there is no antidote that can eliminate PTSD, however, there are effective treatments for PTSD that can help you recover and manage yourself from the condition and its symptoms. Below are some of the treatments available for Post-traumatic stress disorder.  

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) 

CPT is a therapy that focuses on how you think about traumatic events, which lead to emotional responses, resulting in abnormal behavior. Mental health professionals identify these incorrect interpretations or thinking of your brain and help you develop skills to recognize and replace faulty thinking with a more accurate and healthier view of the event.  

Prolonged Exposure Therapy  

Generally, when you have PTSD you usually avoid things that remind you of the event. A counsellor for depression and PTSD can offer support during these times. Prolonged exposure therapy, a variant of behavior therapy, helps to modify your fear and emotions through gradual exposure to trauma-related memories, situations, and feelings. 


Along with other treatment options, medication also holds a paramount importance in PTSD treatment. There are several prescribed medications available that help in managing various aspects of PTSD. For example, anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications help in controlling signs of depression and anxiety. These medications also help in improving sleep and concentration. 

Importance of Self-Care 

Self-care holds a lot of weight in our lives. It is not the same as self-indulgence nor is it something that you can do once and then forget about it. It is more than that. It means taking care of yourself consciously and encouragingly. Recognizing and addressing your mental, physical, and emotional needs regularly and compassionately is very important. 

Taking some time off for yourself brings a lot of added advantages or you can say benefits including:- 

Improved Physical Health  Enhance Emotional and Mental Well-being  Improved Focus and Concentration 
Improved Self-esteem and Confidence  Prevent Burn-out  Enhanced Quality of Life 
Strengthened Relationship  Greater Resilience   Stress Reduction 

Self-Care Strategies 

The aforementioned are some of the benefits you can gain by following healthy self-care routines. But, you must be wondering what are the strategies you can implement to get positive results, especially in the case of PTSD. So, here are a few self-care strategies for you. 

Physical Self-care 

Physical self-care, stresses certain aspects of life including exercise and movement, and sufficient rest and sleep. By involving yourself in physical activities like exercise, walking, dancing, cycling, etc. you are not just improving your physical health. The activities help in the release of chemicals such as endorphins and dopamine in the brain which work as mood stabilizers, enhancing your overall well-being. These activities also make your body tired, which improves the quality of your sleep. 

Proper Nutrients and Hydration 

Food and water are two of the most fundamental needs of our lives. But it doesn’t mean you need to fill your stomach with processed food and sugary liquid. Instead, be mindful of what you are eating and drinking. Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and other nutrients, along with ingesting enough water helps you maintain good physical and mental health. As a rule of thumb, add lots of fruits, green vegetables, whole grains, and ample water to your diet for optimal health benefits. 

Emotional Self-care 

Journaling is a great way to bring order to your life. When you pen down your everyday experience on a piece of paper, it helps you understand your thoughts and emotions. It also helps in comprehending the triggers that are causing you stress. Engaging in relaxation techniques such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, etc. relaxes your mind and body which helps in managing your emotional state and symptoms of PTSD. You can also seek support either from family, friends, or a counsellor for depression and PTSD. 


PTSD is a serious mental health condition and can dictate the course of your life. However, the brain is far more powerful than we think. Given the right support and treatments, our brains can recover greatly from past traumas and other mental illnesses. By executing good self-care strategies along with the treatments you can expedite your road to recovery and can manage symptoms of PTSD and other mental illnesses.  

So, prioritize your mental well-being through self-care strategies, and seek professional help whenever it is needed.  

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